
Time to Test : Introducing vlayer’s Testnet

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We’re thrilled to announce the launch of vlayer's Testnet, marking the beginning of a major milestone for our ecosystem. This is the opportunity to be a part of something big as we shape the future of the verifiable internet. Testnet is all about gathering first-hand developer feedback  to ensure that our tooling & infrastructure is powerful, user-friendly, and ready for large-scale adoption.

Why your Involvement in Testnet is Crucial for vlayer’s Success‍

Testnet serves as the critical first step before we launch Mainnet. By opening up this phase to a limited number of early adopters, we aim to build a strong feedback loop that will help us refine the tooling before the general public sees it. Your input will play a key role in shaping how other developers and users interact with vlayer’s features. Remember, as the saying goes, “developers learn from developers” — your voice matters!

What You Can Expect From vlayer’s Testnet

The vlayer Testnet gives you access to cutting-edge developer tools and is integrated with multiple networks, including:

  • Sepolia (Ethereum Mainnet): Fully integrated for developers looking to work with the latest Ethereum technology
  • Base Sepolia: For bridging decentralized applications seamlessly across Ethereum and other networks
  • Optimism Sepolia: For those testing in the Layer 2 space, with scalability and efficiency in mind

Additionally, we're launching Devnet, an offline, fully dockerized local environment that will allow you to easily test and deploy your applications in a controlled, self-contained setup. With Devnet, you don’t need an internet connection to run your tests, making it the ideal solution for local development.

What’s New in vlayer’s Testnet (& Devnet)?

  • vlayer Dashboard: a one-stop-shop admin panel where you can generate your API keys, manage the account settings and access analytics regarding the use of vlayer tooling & infrastructure. 
  • Web Notary: enables Web Proofs, notarizing http requests securely and privately based on TLSN technology.
  • Email Notary: facilitates Email Proofs by checking DKIM records signatures and verifying them on-chain.  
  • vlayer Call Prover: empowers developers to generate proofs of off-chain Solidity execution.  
  • Block Indexer: This powers the Time Travel and Teleport features, providing a smooth experience while caching proofs of block inclusion in the given, supported chain.

These are just a few of the essential features and tools you can explore in Testnet, all of which will help you develop more useful Web3 applications.

Beginning with Exclusive Access ‍

The first phase will run for 3-4 weeks, starting on January 30th, and is open exclusively to an initial group of developers. This is your chance to shape the direction of vlayer and influence development for future releases. By gathering detailed feedback, reporting bugs, and suggesting improvements, you will help make vlayer a go-to platform for building decentralized applications.

Following the successful conclusion of Phase 1, we will open the tooling to the wider community in Phase 2. This phase will be open to all developers, giving the public access to vlayer’s Testnet for testing and building. We will continue to collect feedback from the broader developer community and work toward finalizing the tooling for a full production release.

How Can You Get Involved?

‍To get started with vlayer’s Testnet, head to the official documentation, where you can find guides, tutorials, and resources for building with vlayer. The process is simple:

  1. Sign up for our Waitlist: After submitting your email, you’ll be directed to the application form and receive a confirmation email with details on when the testnet will be available to you
  2. Visit the vlayer Docs
  3. Set up your Testnet environment: Learn how to integrate with Sepolia, Base Sepolia and Optimism Sepolia
  4. Upon waitlist approval, start building and testing vlayer: Get your hands on Web Proofs, Email Proofs, Time Travel and Teleport to build applications that bridge Web2 and Web3

The Future of vlayer‍

Our ultimate goal is to open-source the tooling and continue expanding the features available to developers. In Phase 2, we’ll be calling on the community to help refine the tooling, share use cases, and collaborate on new ideas. As always, we’ll be listening to your feedback to make the vlayer ecosystem stronger and more accessible.

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